Thursday, September 25, 2008

Forgotten Attachment Detector

For those few that are not aware of GMail Labs yet - GMail Labs is an experimental ground for trying out the new ideas and features from the Google team. These add-ons may or may not make it to the GMail feature list in future. Meanwhile, it is certainly worthwhile to try our hand at them.

I was awed and pleasantly surprised by this new GMail Labs feature available. Forgotten Attachment Detector warns you about sending an email without attachments. According to Jonathan K, the author of this wonderful piece of code from Google Labs - Forgotten Attachment Detector prompts you if you mention attaching a file, but forgot to do so.

See the prompting feature in action!

This is such a cool feature that it makes me think - how did we miss having this all along on an email client. Kudos to Jonathan and the team at Google labs! This add-on looks for the the word 'attach' or its derivatives in the email before sending it (somehow, it thinks 'attachments' is not one of those and does not prompt for the files to be attachments!!)

If you have still not enabled this Labs feature, take a look at how to enable them

And then enable the Forgotten Attachment Detector - and voila, you are all set!